2012년 3월 28일 수요일


LIFESTREAM Riverside donor center
4006 Van Buren blvd Riverside, CA 92503

While preparing the Passover 2012, the Church of God caries out the annual blood drive to give life through the love of the Passover. The words "love your neighbor as yourself" are fulfilled when we donate blood to the neighbors of our communities. This blood drive that is carried out through out the whole world will also be coming to California. The American red cross has agreed to be the churches source for blood donations. And we encourage all media and government officials to come cover the event and to donate blood for those who are in need.
Church information:
The Church of God believes that Christ Ahnsahnghong is God in the age of the Holy Spirit because he restored the Passover of the new covenant, which was abolished at the council of nicea in 325 a.d after Jesus ascended. The Church of God says that it is the only church in the world which keeps the Passover of the new covenant, following the regulations of the bible on the correct day. This year the Passover falls on April 5th.


Church of God Hosts Blood Drive on March 25 in D.C.

The World Mission Society Church of God (General Pastor Joo-Cheol Kim) carries out the “Worldwide Blood Drive to Give Life Through the Love of the Passover 2012” in Korea and every country of the world to save patients who are in critical condition due to blood shortage.

#In Korea, the blood drive will be carried out in order throughout the country. In the case of overseas churches, about 2,200 Churches of God in 170 countries in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Oceania and Africa where the Church of God is established, will perform it. The Church said, “It will continue until April 5th on which the 2012 Passover Assembly is held.”

#In the case of the Unites States, the blood drive is being held in the Nation’s Capitol of Washington, D.C. at the Eastern Market North Hall with Inova Blood Donor Services on March 25 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. In this blood drive, the D.C., Maryland, and Virginia communities are invited to take action and stand united donating blood under the organization of their choice competing to raise most blood. In addition, the Church of God will display its history and accomplishments in Washington, D.C. to the public during this event with musical performances and smiles on every face.

#The worldwide blood drive of the Church of God will give great help to the patients suffering from incurable diseases such as leukemia or cancer, and the patients who need urgent blood transfusion due to sudden accident. Additionally, they will contribute greatly to expanding the base of blood donation by destroying negative view on blood donation.

#The Passover of the new covenant, which the Church regards as important, is the day when Jesus Christ promised the forgiveness of sins and eternal life to those who have bread and wine representing His flesh and blood; Jesus established this new covenant on the night before He was crucified 2,000 years ago.

World mission society church of god keeps the Passover!!

Church of God Hosts Blood Drive on March 25 in D.C.

World Mission Society Church of God - Wellington clean up campaign programme

Church of God keeps the Passover!!!!

Sunday 25 March 10am - 2.30pm
World Mission Society Church of God has offered to help clean up our city and will be down at Petone Beach between Oriental Street and Lion Park weeding and collecting rubbish.
Weeding around native grasses and plants to help the dunes continue to thrive and prevent weeds from overtaking them. Collecting rubbish from along the foreshore.
Meet at Hikoikoi Reserve
Opening Ceremony - 10am to 11am
Clean up/weeding - 11am to 12.30pm. Weeding between Oriental Street and Lion Park and rubbish collection along the beach.
Lunch and DVD presentation - 1pm to 2.30pm
Free and lunch is provided at the church at 36 Sydney Street, Petone to anyone who comes to help out!
More Information
Bring weeding tools if you have them. Some tools, gloves and rubbish bags will be available to use. Children can come, but parental supervision is required. Any questions, please contact Kristan Robinson with Hutt City Council 0274-435-224.

Church of God Holds Worldwide Blood Drive to Give Life Through the Love of the Passover 2012

Before the Passover 2012 which falls on April 5th, 2,200 Churches in 170 countries participate in a blood drive all together to commemorate the birth of the Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong and to practice the love of the New Covenant Passover

Washington, DC (PRWEB) March 23, 2012

The World Mission Society Church of God (General Pastor Joo-Cheol Kim) carries out the “Worldwide Blood Drive to Give Life Through the Love of the Passover 2012” in Korea and every country of the world to save patients who are in critical condition due to blood shortage.

The Church of God stated the purpose of the event, “We hold blood drives to commemorate the sacred birth of God Ahnsahnghong who came to the earth a second time and to save lives in critical condition due to blood shortage, following the example of the love of God who gives eternal life to mankind through the New Covenant Passover,” and added, “We want to alert people to a trend to make light of human life and to lead the world to share the love of God.”

In Korea, the blood drive will be carried out in order throughout the country. In the case of overseas churches, about 2,200 Churches of God in 170 countries in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Oceania and Africa where the Church of God is established, will perform it. The Church said, “It will continue until April 5th on which the 2012 Passover Assembly is held.”

The Church of God will provide its church buildings which are located in important places worldwide as temporary places for blood donation. In some regions, the members will visit a blood center, a blood donation center of the Red Cross or a university hospital to donate blood. The members of the Church of God will not only take part in the blood donation but also inform the importance of blood donation by conducting a blood donation campaign extensively and leading their neighbors to participate in it, too.

In the case of the Unites States, the blood drive is being held in the Nation’s Capitol of Washington, D.C. at the Eastern Market North Hall with Inova Blood Donor Services on March 25, 2012 from 10:00am to 2:00pm. In this blood drive, they invite the D.C., Maryland, and Virginia communities to take action and stand united donating blood under the organization of their choice competing to raise most blood. In addition, the Church of God will display its history and accomplishments in Washington, D.C. to the public during this event with musical performances and smiles on every face.

The worldwide blood drive of the Church of God will give great help to the patients suffering from incurable diseases such as leukemia or cancer, and the patients who need urgent blood transfusion due to sudden accident. Additionally, they will contribute greatly to expanding the base of blood donation by destroying negative view on blood donation.

While the Church of God carries out the “Blood Drive to Give Life Through the Love of the Passover,” they will prepare the Passover 2012, and will conduct worldwide cleanup campaign as well.

The Passover of the new covenant, which the Church regards as important, is the day when Jesus Christ promised the forgiveness of sins and eternal life to those who have bread and wine representing His flesh and blood; Jesus established this new covenant on the night before He was crucified 2,000 years ago.

Following the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Church of God keeps the Passover by eating bread and drinking wine in the evening of the 14th day of the first month in the sacred calendar every year. As its name imparts, the Church says that disasters pass over those who keep the Passover. It originated from the Exodus when the Israelites were protected from the disaster by putting the blood of the lamb on the sides and tops of the door frames of their houses.

The Church of God believes that Christ Ahnsahnghong is God in the age of the Holy Spirit because he restored the Passover of the new covenant, which was abolished at the Council of Nicaea in AD 325 after Jesus ascended. The Church of God says that it is the only church in the world, which keeps the Passover of the new covenant, following the regulations of the Bible on the correct day. This year, the Passover falls on April 5.

The Church of God keeps the seven feasts in three times according to the Bible including the Resurrection Day and the Feast of Tabernacles as well as the Passover, and it is known as the church that follows every regulation of the new covenant—the Sabbath, Baptism and the regulation on veil.

2012년 3월 26일 월요일

The Passover, the promise that never changes even if the sky falls or the ground sinks

The Passover is God's feast that has meaning, "diasters pass over."

Jusus kept the Passover with His disciples and promised the forgiveness of sins and eternal life.

Come to keep the Passover

the memorial of Christ who saved us

and the only solution to escape the great disaster.

2012년 3월 22일 목요일

world mission society church of God "Loving thy neighbors by cleaning up"

Loving thy neighbors by cleaning up their waste
Volunteers with Charlotte church go layers deep into litter at West Boulevard and Remount Road

A darkened storefront on West Boulevard tells passersby it’s “All About Labor.”
Out back, the words have been brought to life.
Here on Sunday morning, just east of Remount Road, volunteers from the World Mission Society Church of God attacked an acre of brush and woods that can be best described as three parts active landfill and one part outdoor toilet.
Generations of drinkers and drug users have left a legacy of trash. The ground clinks with it. The air is rife with it. Several groups have taken one glimpse, one whiff and decided their community-service efforts were better directed elsewhere.
Working with the city of Charlotte, the World Society Church of God delegation waded right in. Working in blue T-shirts and vests, they filled hundreds of trash bags and hauled away everything from animal carcasses to refrigerator doors. The more they carted out, the more they found.
“I knew it was going to be bad, but we all hoped it would be better than this,” said church volunteer James Lindsay, hacking at the overgrowth with a machete.
“It’s sad to see people treat the earth this way,” said Allison Danley, a church member from north Charlotte. “This is disrespecting God.”
The Tyvola Road congregation took on the cleanup as part of a worldwide effort by its church. The 2,200 branches of the World Mission Society are performing community service to prepare themselves for the celebration of Passover on April 5.
Jack Kim, the Charlotte church’s missionary and coordinator of the event, said the morning offered members a chance for environmental awareness, “to cleanse our own souls,” and to love thy neighbor.
In this case, some of those neighbors aren’t much for litter laws and personal hygiene.
“There are more politically corrects terms we could use, but we’re talking about homeless vagrants and crackheads, and they are out here every day,” said Chris Lyon, a Charlotte-Mecklenburg police officer assigned to the area.
The cleanup started at 9 a.m. About 70 volunteers showed up with 100 trash bags. At 9:30, they went out and bought 200 more.
By that time, 80-year-old David Moryas had seen the work on a TV newscast and driven over to help. Machete in one hand, the native of Kenya pointed at the nearby businesses.
“The shop owners should be participating,” he said, “so they can know what’s going on in their neighborhood, what their customers have done.”
At the nearby Jeman Express convenience store, Kay Aho was opening up.
Does the area have a problem with loiterers? “Ha, this is West Boulevard,” he said.
Asked if he knew what the church volunteers were doing, he retreated. “I work up here. I don’t know what goes on back there.”
Back there, two messages have been painted on the cinder block. No loitering. No p---ing. Based on available evidence, both have been ignored.
Lyon, who worked alongside the church volunteers, said police make arrests in the woods almost every day. The department and the city have also begun the legal process to get the owner of the vacant property to take more responsibility.
He looked around at the volunteers. “The church is great,” he said.
Nearby, a small mountain of filled trash bags had begun to emerge near West Boulevard. And still more came. Mattresses, furniture, tires and hundreds upon hundreds of bottles and cans. Lindsay tossed something heavy over a fence onto the back parking lot – the gas tank of a car.
Later in the morning, Vickie McClain sat on a rock to catch her breath.
“I’m from Charlotte, and I know West Boulevard. But I had no idea what was in those bushes,” she said. “Look at some of those bottles. They’ve got to be 30 years old.”
McClain looked at her watch: 11 a.m. An hour of work to go. She grabbed her bag and a picker, and headed back into the brush.

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2012년 3월 15일 목요일

wmscog - Church members continue the clean up

WMSCOG - "Church members continue the clean up "
Date published: 13 March 2012

On Sunday 11 March, around 100 members of the World Mission Society Church of God gathered to clean up the footpath behind Bury Church of England High School.

Even though it was school area, there was a lot litter and flytipping.

The group have been to Bury to clean previously and Bury council recommended them to clean up this area.

Also from 6 March, around 100 members are also going to give blood to practice the love of Passover until the date of Passover (5 April) in many places of Greater Manchester including Bury. Around 2,200 places in 150 countries are doing this campaign together.

Members of the Church have cleaned up in other areas including Hyde, Bolton, Salford, Leigh, Prestwich and they plan to go everywhere their hands are needed.

It is to practice the love of the Passover of the new covenant, which was restored by Ahnsahnghong the Christ who came a second time and to cheer up the people.

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